Customer service - 02.08.2021

Advania builds a comprehensive call centre system for Mehiläinen

The partnership between Advania and Mehiläinen started back in 2018, when Mehiläinen turned to Advania for help in building a comprehensive customer service system. The social and health-care services company was hoping to ultimately coordinate all its customer service channels via the new system. A call-handling application has now been added to the set-up.

Reliable and user-friendly system for smoother routines

‘Advania has given us a new customer service system that works reliably in a call centre environment. The new system enables us to serve our customers via multiple different channels’, explains Tiina Heino, Operations Manager at Mehiläinen’s nationwide customer service.

Mehiläinen’s customer service currently relies exclusively on a call centre, but other service channels will be integrated into the same operating system in the future.

According to Heino, the biggest benefits on a day-to-day basis relate to the operation of the call-handling application, which has proved itself to be reliable and user-friendly:

‘Our customer service staff find the tool both easy to use and reliable. Most of our customers contact us by phone, which is why it is so important that the system is robust’, Heino says.

Customers do not always know what exactly it is that they need – Advania’s experts are able to identify customers’ needs from half a sentence.

According to Heino, Advania’s staff have been friendly, and the standard of service has exceeded Mehiläinen’s expectations. Help has been available whenever it has been needed. Advania’s philosophy of getting things sorted through informal correspondence appeals to Heino.

‘Partnering with Advania has had a positive impact on our business. Even when we ourselves have not known what the solution to a problem could be and what the system is capable of, Advania’s experts have been able to deduce from half a sentence what we need. We have a trusting and open relationship’, Heino says and adds: ‘Advania has made it their mission to understand what the customer needs and to find a way to deliver a solution by whatever means.’

Quick reactions to customers’ needs

According to Heino, Advania’s customer service is excellent and the availability of support is outstanding. Issues get resolved within 24 hours. Heino has also found meetings and discussions with Advania’s contact persons particularly constructive and helpful.

‘Advania’s experts are easy to reach and make us feel special as a customer. Being welcomed into conversation with knowledgeable professionals builds trust. Plans are executed as agreed and on time, and ideas are put into practice with superb efficiency’, Heino says.

Success with an agile and compact partner

What has Mehiläinen learned from its partnership with Advania?

‘It could almost be said that nothing is impossible. Any new idea that we have ever had has been turned into reality, our wishes have been listened to and respected, and this has contributed to our success. Perhaps the most important lesson that we have learned is to trust our partners and let go of preconceived notions’, Heino says.

‘Advania is a trustworthy business with a genuinely caring customer service. They are an IT provider that truly listens to customers’ needs and is always looking for a better way to do things. They genuinely want to help, and they absolutely know what they are doing’, Heino concludes.