Modern workplace

Intranet, teamwork and document management solutions

More efficient internal processes, communication and teamwork thanks to modern technology.

Intranet, teamwork and document management solutions

User-friendly state-of-the-art systems and software

Are you looking to unleash the benefits of modern intranet, teamwork and document management solutions? You have come to the right place! A high-performance digital work environment needs a foundation of user-friendly state-of-the-art systems and software. We rely on the excellent Fresh Intranet as well as Microsoft SharePoint and Teams software to deliver cutting-edge communication, teamwork and document management solutions.

A successful digital workday experience requires every member of the organisation to have both the opportunity and the skills to make the most of the digital tools available. With no end in sight for the explosion of data, software applications and documents, work is becoming more and more stressful. It is often up to individual employees to navigate the flood of data in the organisation’s systems to identify and structure the key information and documents that they need in their work. Advania helps businesses to overcome these challenges and deliver an unbeatable workday experience.

Championing smoother workday routines

Advania’s consulting team are ready to take on all kinds and sizes of development projects involving internal communication, digital work environments and methods. Our consultants have the know-how and the vision to streamline both small and large organisations. We have a pool of highly skilled coaches with experience of designing hundreds of intranet and digital work environments.

We listen to our customers, brainstorm for solutions together and always plan the transition to digital step by step. We start with an inventory of the current situation, pooling information from different sources and looking for the right place to begin the journey towards the vision with the help of M365 tools. No digital dilemma is too small for us to give it our all!

Advania’s solutions for more efficient intranet environments, teamwork and document management

Fresh Intranet

With Fresh you can create attractive, world-class intranets that are easy to design and build. Residing in SharePoint, you can bring your Microsoft 365 channels together to form a one-stop shop for all your content.


SharePoint Online is a content management and collaboration solution. SharePoint provides a versatile, highly adaptable platform for building intranet and extranet solutions as well as websites.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a teamwork and collaboration platform for businesses as well as a convenient place to store important conversation and files. Our consultants help organisations to deploy Microsoft Teams in a way that maximises its benefits.

Microsoft Viva

Microsoft Viva is a suite consisting of separate applications that work together to deliver the best possible digital workday experience. The tools included in the Microsoft Viva suite promote learning, well-being and easier information gathering. The latest Viva properties are fully compatible with and easy to integrate into existing Microsoft 365  environment.

Intranet insights

Window Application
More than just a communication channel

Organisations often think about their intranet as just an internal communication tool when it has the potential to be so much more. We help organisations to design, deploy and make full use of their intranet environments.

A well-designed and well-built intranet makes employees’ lives easier by making all of the organisation’s information, resources and contacts available in one place. It also provides a means to add transparency to internal communication and to coordinate procedures.

Company Culture
Teaming up in the digital world

Successful teamwork is all about coordinated procedures, and digital teamwork is no different. We help organisations to improve their teamwork practices using their existing or new software. The first step is to analyse the team’s workday experience, which gives us a starting point for identifying solutions that can promote the achievement of shared goals. The chosen procedures are then compiled into a playbook, introduced to the team at staff training sessions or put into practice through employee ambassadors.

Streamlined digital working methods facilitate communication, the coordination of meetings and scheduling as well as the division of labour within teams. With a coordinated approach to the use of digital tools, teams can control the information overload and develop new, more efficient routines.

Getting on top of document management

Are there files here, there and everywhere in your organisation? Do your employees waste valuable time hunting down various kinds of documents?

We at Advania are document management professionals, and we know how to take your organisation’s document management system to a new level.

Intranet, teamwork and document management

Would you like to know more?

If you would like to talk to us about improving your digital work environment by, for example, upgrading your intranet or document management systems, get in touch!